Hemoglobin A1c (CLIA Waived)
Bayer DCA 2000+ Analyzer
- For Easy and Accurate In-Office Diabetes Management
- Accurate Results in just 6 minutes
- Requires only 1 ul of blood
- CV of 2.6% detects smallest change in glycemic control
- NGSP-certified method, as recommended by the ADA
- Correlation study shows 99% agreement with HPLC method
- Microalbumin/Creatinine Results in just 7 minutes using 40 ul Urine
- Automatic calculation of Albumin:Creatinine Ratio
DCA 2000 HbA1c Reagent Kit
- Cat. No. 5035-B

Size: 10/pkg
DCA 2000 Microalbumin/Creatinine Reagent Kit
- Cat. No. 6011-0

Size: 10 tests/kit
DCA 2000 Microalbumin/Creatinine Low/High Control Kit
- Cat. No. 6012-0

Size: 4 vials/kit
DCA 2000 HbA1c Normal/Abnormal Control Combination Kit
- Cat. No. 5068-0

Size: 4 vials/kit
Metrika A1c NOW (CLIA Waived)
Metrika A1c NOW
- Cat. No. 430-9913

Size: 10/box
- Fast...results in only 8 minutes
- Easy...Rapid Test, Finger Stick and 3 Simple Steps
- Accurate...NGSP certified and factory calibrated
- Cost Effective...requires no test strips or capital equipment
Fecal Occult Blood (CLIA Waived)
Hemocult Single Slide Test
- Cat. No. U301-0

Size: 100 Test
Hemocult II Multiple Slides for Serial Testing (34 x 3)
- Cat. No. U301-0

Size: 102 Test
Hemocult II Dispensapak for Patient Use (100 x 3)
- Cat. No. U301-2

Size: 300 Test
Hemocult II Dispensapak Plus for Patient Use
- Cat. No. U301-3

Size: 40 kits
Hemocult Tape
- Cat. No. U301-4

Size: 2 kits
Hemocult Developer
- Cat. No. U301-5

Size: 20 x 15 mL
Hemocult Mailing Pouches (USPS, 39CFR, Part 111)
- Cat. No. U301-6

Size: 100/pkg
Hemocult Sensa Dispensapak Plus
- Cat. No. U302-0

Size: 40 kits/pkg
Hemocult Sensa Single Slides
- Cat. No. U302-1
Size: 100/pkg
Hemocult Sensa Single Slides (Bulk Pack)
- Cat. No. U302-2
Size: 10 x 100/box
Hemocult Sensa Developer
- Cat. No. U302-3
Size: 20 x 15 mL
HemaScreen (FOB) Kit Complete
- Cat. No. HS-100
Size: 100 Test
HemaScreen (FOB) Kit Complete with Mail Envelopes
- Cat. No. HS50PP
Size: 50 Test
HemaScreen (FOB) Kit Complete
- Cat. No. HSTAT5
Size: 50 Test
Immunoassay Fecal Occult Blood (iFOBT)
Clearview Ultra FOBT (CLIA Waived)
- One Step Lateral Flow Method
- Overall accuracy of 98.9%, specific for human hemoglobin
- Sensitivity: 50 ug hHb/g feces
Clearview Ultra FOB Test Kit with Collection Papers
- Size: 50 test strips in cannister, 50 sample collection bottles, 50 collection papers, 1 directional insert
Clearview Ultra FOB Test Kit
- Size: 50 test strips in cannister, 1 directional insert
Clearview Ultra FOB Test Kit
- Size: 50 sample collection bottles
Clearview Ultra FOB Test Personal Patient Kit
- Size: 20 sample collection bottles, 20 sample collection papers, 20 sample mailers
Clearview Ultra FOB Test Controls
- Size: One positive and one negative control
Quidel (QuickVue) iFOBT Test
iFOBT Test Kit
- Cat. No. 20194 Size: 20 tests/kit
- Kit Includes: 20 individually wrapped test cassettes, package inser, procedure card, 20 specimen collection and return kits consisting of: specimen collection tube, patient ID label, specimen collection paper with adhesive, specimen pouch, absorbent sleeve, return mail pouch, patient instructions
Sedimentation Rate (ESR) (CLIA Waived)
Tubes, Disposable, Single Calibration
- Cat. No. G370-0
Size: 100/pkg
Tubes, Disposable, Single Calibration
- Cat. No. G370-1
Size: 1000/case
Tubes, Disposable, Full Calibration-No Rack
- Cat. No. G371-0
Size: 100/pkg
Tubes, Disposable, Full Calibration-No Rack
- Cat. No. G371-1
Size: 1000/case
Tubes, Disposable, Full Calibration-With Rack
- Cat. No. G372-0
Size: 100/pkg
Tubes, Disposable, Full Calibration-With Rack
- Cat. No. G372-1
Size: 1000/case
Tubes, Disposable, Cotton-Plugged, Self-Zeroing
- Cat. No. G375-0
Size: 100/pkg
Tubes, Disposable, Cotton-Plugged, Self-Zeroing
- Cat. No. G375-1
Size: 1000/case
ESR Racks, 10-place for G375
- Cat. No. Chase 15N
Size: each
Sedi-Pet, 4 ml Capacity, 6 in
- Cat. No. P251-0
Size: 500/box
Sedigren Auto-Zero Westergren ESR System
- Cat. No. G377-1
Size: 100 Test/kit
- Cat. No. G377-2
Size: 250 Test/kit
- Cat. No. G377-3
Size: 1000 Test/kit
- Cat. No. G377-4
Rack for up to 10 tests
Sedi-Rate™ Autozero Westergren ESR System (Pipettes & Citrate Vials)
- Cat. No. G401-0
Size: 600 Test Kit
- Cat. No. G401-1
Size: 100 Test Kit
- Cat. No. G401-2
Size: 200 Test Kit
- Cat. No. G401-3
Sedi-Rate Rack, 10-place
Chase Universal Self-Zeroing ESR by Westergren
Tubes for Chase Universal ESR Rack
- Cat. No. G380-0
Size: 100/pkg
Tubes for Chase Universal ESR Rack
- Cat. No. G380-1
Size: 1000/case
Dispette II ESR System
Dispette II
- Cat. No. G400-0

Size: 100/pack)
- Cat. No. G400-cs

Size: 1000/cs)
Liquichek Sedimentation Rate Controls (540-Day Shelf Life)
- Cat. No. 514 Level I
Size: 4 x 9 mL
- Cat. No. 515 Level II
Size: 4 x 9 mL
- Cat. No. 514x Bi-Level
Size: 2 x 9 mL
SEDRate Plus Whole Blood ESR Control (195-Day Shelf Life)
- Cat. No.SR002 Dual Pak (Level I & II) Size: 4 of each level (8 x 8.5 mL)
- Cat. No. SR002X Dual Pak (Level I & II) Size: 2 of each level (4 x 8.5 mL)
- Cat. No. SR003 Dual Pak (Level I & II)
Size: 6 of each level (12 x 4.5 mL)
Infectious Disease Testing
Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)
H. Pylori, Quidel® QuickVue (WAIVED) (Whole Blood)
- Cat. No. S300-0
Size: 10 Test/kit
- Cat. No. S301-0 Size: 30 Test/kit
H. Pylori, Quidel® QuickVue (Moderate Complexity) (Serum)
- Cat. No. S302-0 Size: 10 Test/kit
- Cat. No. S303-0 Size: 30 Test/kit
Clearview (Inverness/Wampole)
H. Pylori, Clearview™ (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma)
- Cat. No. 6706KCV Size: 30 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: MODERATE (serum/plasma) WAIVED (wh blood)
- Simple, Rapid Immunoassay
- Detects H. Pylori in Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood
- Accurate test results within 5 minutes
Strep A
Strep A, Quidel® QuickVue In Line, 1-Step
- Cat. No. S191-1 Size: 25 Test/kit
Strep A, Clearview™ Exact (1-minute test)
- Cat. No.6210KCV Size: 30 Test/kit
- Simple Rapid Test for Detection of Group A Streptococcus
- Test Completed in about 7 Minutes
Strep A, Trueview™
- Cat. No.104-8802 Size: 25 Test/kit
- Simple Rapid Test for Detection of Group A Streptococcus
- Test Completed in about 5 Minutes
- Includes positive and negative controls
Dacron Polyester Tipped Applicators, Sterile, 1/Envelope
- Cat. No. L111-0 Size: 100/box
Influenza A/B
Flu A/B Kit (Inverness/Wampole/Binax) (Waived)
- Cat. No. 416-110

Size: 10 tests/kit
- Kit Contains: test devices, transfer pipettes, positive control swab, negative control swab, elution solution, NP swabs
- Specimen: Nasal Swab or Nasal Wash/Nasal Aspirate
- Approximate Test Time: 15 minutes
Influenza A/B Kit, Quidel® QuickVue
- Cat. No. Q-00317 Size: 25 Test/kit
- Specimen: Nasal Swab or Nasal Wash/Nasal Aspirate
- Approximate Test Time: 10-11 minutes
Chlamydia Test Kit, Quidel® QuickVue
- Cat. No. S-B006
Size: 25 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Moderate
- Test Specimen using Endocervical swab or cytology brush
- Test Completed in about 12 Minutes
Clearview™ Chlamydia Test
- Cat. No. 135301

Size: 20 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Moderate
- Test Specimen using Endocervical swab or cytology brush
- Test Completed in about 12 Minutes
Clearview™ Female Collection Kit
- Cat. No. 135315 Size: 20 test
Clearview™ Chlamydia Workstation
- Cat. No. 130035

Size: each
- 80-82 C Heating Block w5 temp controlled wells
G. Vaginalis
Quidel® QuickVue Advance G. Vaginalis
- Cat. No. 20145
Size: 25 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Moderate
- Test Specimen using Endocervical swab or cytology brush
- Test Completed in about 5 Minutes
Quick Vue Advance pH and Amines Test
- Cat. No. 20146 Size: 25 Test/kit
- CPT Code: 82120QW (Amines)
- Test Specimen using Endocervical swab or cytology brush
- Test Completed in about 5 Minutes
Herpes Simplex Type 2
- Cat. No. 3000-28001

Size: 20 tests/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Moderate (whole blood/serum)
- 80% of recurring genital herpes due to HSV type 2
- Glycoprotein G (gG-2) based test
- Test performed in under 5 minutes
- Test simple to interpret (2 spots = positive, 1 spot = negative
Clearview™ Mono-EIA Test
- Cat. No. S195-0 Size: 30 Test/kit
- Simple, Rapid Test for the Detection of IgM Ab to Infectious Mono
- Specimen: Whole Blood (Finger Stick)
- Test Completed in about 5 Minutes
OSOM Mono Test
- Cat. No. WD145 Size: 25 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Waived (whole blood); Moderate (serum or plasma)
- Simple, Rapid Test using immunochromatigraphic dipstick technology
- Specimen: Whole Blood, Serum or Plasma
- Test Completed in about 5 Minutes
- CPT Code: 86308QW (whole blood) or 86308 for serum or plasma
Pregnancy/Fertility Tests
Pregnancy Test
- Cat. No. S185-S Size: 25 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: WAIVED (Urine) or Moderate (Serum)
- Cassette may be used with Urine or Serum
- Poly/Monoclonal Ab Combination ensures Specificity & Sensitivity
- Positive results develop within 3 minutes
- Permits early detection (25 mIU/mL)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
- CPT Code: 81025 (urine) or 84703 QW (serum)
Pregnancy Test
- Cat. No. S187-0 Size: 20 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: WAIVED (Urine)
- Cassette may be used with Urine
- Poly/Monoclonal Ab Combination ensures Specificity & Sensitivity
- Positive results develop within 3 minutes
- Permits early detection (25 mIU/mL)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
Clearview™ One-Step Pregnancy Test
- Cat. No. 6008KCV Size: 30 Test/kit
- Cassette may be used with Urine
- Colloidal Gold/Monoclonal Ab Combination
- Positive results develop as soon as 1 minute
- Permits early detection (20 mIU/mL)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
Clearview™One-Step Pregnancy Test (Combo) with Reference Line
- Cat. No. 6028KCV Size: 30 Test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: WAIVED (Urine) or Moderate (Serum)
- Cassette may be used with Urine or Serum
- 3 Line Combo has additional Reference Line Set @ 25 mIU/ml
- Colloidal Gold/Monoclonal Ab Combination
- Positive results develop as soon as 1 minute
- Permits early detection (20 mIU/mL for Urine or 10 mIU/mL for Serum)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
- CPT Code: 84703QW (urine) or 84703 (serum)
Clearview™ hCG Test Strips
- Cat. No. 6007KCV Size: 50 Test/kit
- Test Stick may be used with Urine only
- Colloidal Gold/Monoclonal Ab Combination
- Positive results develop as soon as 1 minute
- Permits early detection (20 mIU/mL)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
- CPT Code: 84703QW (urine)
Clearview™ hCG Controls
- Cat. No. 6009KCV

Size: 2 vials (1 positive and 1 negative)
Ovulation Test
Sterling LH Ovulation Test
- Cat. No. S190-0 Size: 25 Test/kit
- Rapid One-Step Urine Test
- Qualitative Detection of LH at 35 mIU/ml or higher
- Clear, Accurate, Easy to Read Result in about 3 Minutes
- Room Temperature Storage with 24 Month Shelf-Life
Menopause Test
Sterling FSH Menopause Test
- Cat. No. S104-0 Size: 25 Test/kit
- Test performed using First Morning Urine Specimen
- Two Site Sandwich Immunoassay for FSH ensures Specificity and Sensitivity
- Positive results develop within 5 minutes
- Permits detection at 25 mIU/mL (FSH)
- Highly visible results for ease of interpretation
- Test requires repeat in 5-7 days for confirmation and physician consultation
Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease, PreVue™ B. burgdorferi
- Cat. No. 63220 Size: 20 Test/kit
- Qualitative detection of IgG/IgM Antibodies using Recombinant Antigens
- Results develop within 20 minutes
SureVue Rotavirus Test
- Cat. No. SA069111

Size: 25 test/kit
- CLIA Complexity: Moderate
Rotavirus Control
- Cat. No. SA069101

Size: 2 x 1 mL
Immunocard STAT! Rotavirus Test
- Cat. No. 14-910-172

Size: 30 tests/kit
Coaguchek™ S and ITC ProTime (See Coagulation Section)